Friday, February 11, 2011

What a Week!

Last weekend, my oldest turned seven! Does that make me sound old? I  have a first grader, a seven year old!
The poor birthday boy was on day 3 of a fever and stomachache when he was supposed to be partying with his friends and grandparents. We had a quiet to-do at home; he's still waiting for his 'real' party.
Unfortunately, his crummy luck didn't stop there. One sleepless night, one run to the ER, and one ruptured eardrum later, we might be getting back on track, although we have one off-balance and hard-of-hearing boy. Hopefully we can make it all up to him soon.

Right in the middle of all this, Aubrey decided she would like her hair short. That was fine with me, I've had short hair and I loved it. What I couldn't believe was that we cut off six inches!
I love it, and so does she! After she found out how easy it was to comb her hair, she decided she didn't ever want it to grow again.  I think it fits her vivacious personality perfectly.

Perhaps I have weird kids, I don't know, but every time we are near the pet store, they have to go inside. We don't even own any pets. So, after making a trip to OfficeMax this week, we trooped inside Petco. I still feel a little embarrassed about spending 20 minutes in the store and leaving with nothing, but what could I walk out with? A doggie bag?
I suppose one of the reasons Petco is so much fun is their little shopping carts. The funniest thing is that Donovan doesn't want to push one himself; he wants to ride in one.
When we looked at all the parakeets, Aubrey said, "It looks like they're having a party in there!"
We've got partying on our minds. 
I could do without the cupcakes, though.  Those things are too messy!

As much as Donovan loves the cupcakes, I think that for this weekend's party we'll stick with regular cake.
Or maybe we'll just eat this little munchkin.


  1. LOVE aubrey's haircut!!!! :) :)
    so glad connor is feeling better.

  2. Great blog and photos today!

  3. My boys love Petco too!
    Fish are always the big hit.
    Reptiles come in next.
    It's just fun to watch and see all the critters. :)
