Tuesday, December 2, 2014

120 points for me

This morning, I had a chance to stop and think about what I wanted to do; both babies were napping.

I started pulling out the ingredients to make peanut butter blossom cookies.  In my mind, I was alternately writing a blog post and painting some DIY Christmas gifts.  Then I noticed that I needed to clean up breakfast before I could make cookies. So I ate a chocolate kiss (or three) while I loaded the dishwasher.  
Graham woke up before I even got the counters wiped.

So...the oven is sitting warm and empty, the dishwasher is still open, and Graham is on my lap playing with the wet wipes case while I type (it smells like I should make use of those wipes).

This is my life right now.
I spin circles.
Or I just sit in my robe, too dazed to do more than change diapers and watch the chaos around me.

morning play

post-sauna evening snack
But it's good, this chaos around me.  Our house is alive.  There is fighting and laughter, crying and cooing. And my voice, occasionally rising above it all, saying "Donovan and Elaina, get in the shower. Brant, did you finish your homework? Connor practice piano, and Aubrey, for the fourth time, hang up your towel!"

We're cruising along at quite a pace, whether I like it or not.
But these babies! Oh, how fun these babies are!

We all work hard for baby smiles!

Line 'em up for diaper changes.  20 points if you get them both to smile.

50 points if you get a classic nose-scrunched, eye-squinted grin!

I'd say that having the cookies ready for after-school snack is worth another 50 points.
I've got three and a half hours; sounds doable. I'll take those points now, and cash them in for three more chocolate kisses and twenty baby kisses.  I can never get enough of those!

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