Snow is fine. Clouds are fine, too. Just give me some warmth for heaven's sake, and I won't complain. At least then the bundling up of the kids doesn't take more time than they actually spend outside.
Dean has been home from work. He's off Wednesday through Monday. I had the bright idea to head West and find some beaches and big city entertainment. As usual my idea was met with skepticism. So we decided to have a staycation instead of a vacation. We thought we'd enjoy some relaxed play with the kids and have a few outings. I must admit that the inclement weather ruined our initial plans. On day 1, we planned to go to the Aquaplex, a YMCA type of place. Unfortunately, that closed early due to the snow. On Day 2, we planned to have a family sledding day. Unfortunately, it was 18 degrees (we are Arizonans, we like to sled in 30 or above). Day 3 was set aside for the museum and ice skating. I do believe that this may still happen. As well as the previous day's plans too. You see, the sun is shining!
Actually, I just realized that it is 3 degrees outside. Well I won't complain. Getting out of the house is vacation enough.
We have not been sitting at the window and pining all this time, though. I finished reading Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Dean got through the first chapter of his online course. We had some unexpected company, that was stuck in flagstaff for half the day as the interstates were closed. It was fun to have someone to visit with while we being "stuck".
Also, Connor loves to draw. Dean had inquired about drawing or art lessons for him, but it was advised that we let his creativity take its own course at this young age. So we encourage him to draw, paint, and color. And we marvel over his creations. And we join him.
On day 1, we pulled out his new drawing book and some paper.

I'll stick with taking the photographs.
Happy New Year to you all!