Happy New Year!!
Somehow, it's already 2013. I don't even have the recollections to say what made 2012 a great year; the past year just kind of blends into the past three years.
That's okay with me.
I know that I have the photos to document our life, and when I sit down to make and order our yearly photobook, it will all come back to me. ;)
What is fresh in my mind is the wonderfully full weeks between Christmas and New Year's.
This Christmas we had over a foot of snow on the ground. It's marvelous to have a white Christmas.
We spent the days leading up to Christmas with Dean's side of the family. Our days were filled with eating, relaxing, playing with cousins, visiting, and more eating. It was perfect.
Christmas morning saw us back home and opening gifts and stockings in our own living room for a change.
Later, my family came for dinner and we had more eating, relaxing, and visiting/playing. It was wonderful in ways that family get together's always are - kind of crazy but exactly what I wish to embrace.
We started planning my sister's wedding, which is only a couple months away(!), then headed out to the Nordic Center to go cross country skiing. Lots of laughs ensued as it was the first time out for some of the crew. And actually, if I think about it, I have some amazing family for being willing to try the crazy ideas my sister and I come up with, even if there's a learning curve.
I bet you won't be surprised though to hear that these two did awesome and led the pack.
And while the adults and oldest two kids skied, the youngest five kids (yes five!) got towed in sleds. There were only two covered sleds, so Donny got to be towed in this one. The poor guy was frozen half way through our excursion. Next time we'll bring a blanket.
I hope we can get out there again before our snow disappears this season. It's pretty amazing.
And as if that wasn't enough skiing, we enrolled the cousins in ski school up at Snowbowl for some downhill skiing. They all did great, even though Brant was exhausted and fell asleep eating his lunch (I should have known enrolling him would be a waste of my money! Him and his cousin Henry are five, and they were so excited to go). Connor especially learned a lot. He was skiing the bunny hill by the end of the day.
Brant, Aubrey, and Henry Connor |
Dean made my day by offering to stay home with the youngest two so I could hit the slopes myself. I don't know if I was more surprised by the idea or by actually taking him up on the offer.
I have snowboarded in the past. This time I chose to ski. It seemed less risky, somehow, even though I've never really skied before.
I don't regret my decision in the least.
I enjoyed myself thoroughly, even if I really only mastered the bunny hill. ;) I could say that I didn't have time to really get good at it as I had to get the kids in ski school at 10, pick them up for lunch at noon, pick up a sleeping child at 1 to leave with my sister, then pick them all up when they were done at 3. But really I don't care how good I got in one day. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed the experience as well as watching my kids learn.
Now if only we could all find some used skis...
Ah, well, it was fun while it lasted!